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Change log entry 58813
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2015-09-25 18:41:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56246 - submitted by 'budhard' >>
thanks to richwarm (Rich Warmington) for your complete references, I really appreciate them... but I have to correct 調 => 调 for simplified Chinese character...

Editor: thanks. By the way, we don't add commas before or periods after "etc" for brevity purposes.
- 調製 調制 [tiao2 zhi4] /to concoct by mixing ingredients/to prepare according to a recipe/to make (a salad, a cocktail, cosmetics etc)/
# + 調製 调制 [tiao2 zhi4] /to concoct by mixing ingredients/to prepare according to a recipe/to make (a salad, a cocktail, cosmetics, etc.)/
+ 調製 调制 [tiao2 zhi4] /to concoct by mixing ingredients/to prepare according to a recipe/to make (a salad, a cocktail, cosmetics etc)/
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