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Change log entry 58812
Processed by: richwarm (2015-09-25 12:31:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 54256 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
a lot in sports context

指一開始處於弱勢後來轉變為強勢,可以用在商業上(一開始賠錢後來賺錢),也可用在比賽上。redeem 也有扳回一城的意思。

Editor: That's the best I can come up with for now.
# 扳回一城 扳回一城 [ban1 hui2 yi1 cheng2] /to turn a situation around/to make a comeback (idiom)/
# Editor ~
- 扳回一城 扳回一城 [ban1 hui2 yi1 cheng2] /to strike back/to recover some ground/to score a victory/
+ 扳回一城 扳回一城 [ban1 hui2 yi1 cheng2] /to recover some lost ground (in a competition)/
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