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Change log entry 58805
Processed by: richwarm (2015-09-24 22:31:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56239 - submitted by 'budhard' >>
制 without its traditional character means system

Editor: What does "制 without its traditional character" mean?
I can only make sense of the comment if it means "As a traditional character, 制 means 'system'."
But 制 has several senses, only one of which is "system". See, for example, https://www.moedict.tw/~%E5%88%B6
Even if 制 is taken to mean "system", why would that imply that 調制 is incorrect as a traditional form meaning "modulate"?

调制 has two traditional forms: 調製 and 調制.
So Google Translate is not wrong to give 調製 as a traditional form for 调制.
However, references by and large agree that 調制 is recommended for the "modulate" sense, and 調製 means "to concoct".

e.g. 調製 = 調配各種材料,製成食物。
famous chefs have told us some principles and special tricks for preparing vegetarian food

# - 調制 调制 [tiao2 zhi4] /to modulate/modulation/
# + 調製 调制 [tiao2 zhi4] /to modulate/modulation/
# Editor ~
+ 調製 調制 [tiao2 zhi4] /to concoct by mixing ingredients/to prepare according to a recipe/to make (a salad, a cocktail, cosmetics etc)/
# Changing 調製 to 調制 in the following entry ~
- 頻率調製 频率调制 [pin2 lu:4 tiao2 zhi4] /frequency modulation/
+ 頻率調制 频率调制 [pin2 lu:4 tiao2 zhi4] /frequency modulation/
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