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Change log entry 58753
Processed by: ycandau (2015-09-22 09:20:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 55902 - submitted by 'jt' >>
to give special care
# 吃小竈 吃小灶 [chi1 xiao3 zao4] /to be treated in a favoured way/
# Editor:
+ 吃小竈 吃小灶 [chi1 xiao3 zao4] /to be given special treatment/to be treated in a favored way/
- 開小灶 开小灶 [kai1 xiao3 zao4] /lit. to turn on a private oven/to get special attention/
+ 開小灶 开小灶 [kai1 xiao3 zao4] /to give preferential treatment/to give special attention/
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