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Change log entry 58733
Processed by: richwarm (2015-09-18 09:52:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 55794 - submitted by 'jt' >>
吃青春饭 = to make a living off the mere strength of one's young age
to depend on one's youth to make a living
the peak earning years of one's life
to depend on one's youthful appearance and physical ability to make a living
ex 很多模特都是吃青春饭的
# 青春飯 青春饭 [qing1 chun1 fan4] /a profession for young persons only/
+ 吃青春飯 吃青春饭 [chi1 qing1 chun1 fan4] /to make the most of one's youthfulness in one's choice of employment (e.g. modeling)/
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