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Change log entry 58732
Processed by: richwarm (2015-09-18 00:40:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 55801 - submitted by 'jt' >>
让自己暂时忘掉一切,去好好的休息一阵子. 或是暂时抛开世俗的一切,放空自己,让心灵沉淀的意思

Editor: LA ~
1. 空車行駛。
2. 放鬆。初刻拍案驚奇·卷十三:「卻說那殷家嫁資豐富,約有三千金財物,殷氏收藏,沒一些兒放空。」
3. 製造不利股市的因素或消息。

TP ~
Lin Jeungyol comments that the most dubious aspect of international speculation is that speculators start by selling short, then put out rumors through the international media or multinational financial institutions.
# 放空 放空 [fang4 kong1] /to lose one's train of thought/to space out/to drift off/
+ 放空 放空 [fang4 kong1] /to relax completely/to empty one's mind/(finance) to sell short/(of a commercial vehicle) to travel empty (no cargo or passengers)/to deadhead/
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