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Change log entry 58731
Processed by: ycandau (2015-09-17 17:30:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 55828 - submitted by 'beifengnlp' >>

Editor: don't ref web pages that are irrelevant to the change.

There is no consensus on the pronunciations of 場. Normative dicts are unclear and conflicting. In practice I think many people simply pronounce chang3.
However, chang2 is recommended for 一場空 by a good number of dicts; we have in fact an entry for 一場空 also.
# - 竹籃打水,一場空 竹篮打水,一场空 [zhu2 lan2 da3 shui3 , yi1 chang2 kong1] /using a wicker basket to draw water (idiom); wasted effort/
# + 竹籃打水,一場空 竹篮打水,一场空 [zhu2 lan2 da3 shui3 , yi1 chang3 kong1] /using a wicker basket to draw water (idiom); wasted effort/
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