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Change log entry 58672
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2015-09-05 14:10:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56109 - submitted by 'wyhcwe' >>
Saw baidu page on "老实". On there, the second definition is "well-behaved" "following the rules", after "sincere and honest" (http://baike.baidu.com/view/581528.htm).

The definition was suggested on http://www.iciba.com/%E8%80%81%E5%AE%9E where "你老实点!" translated to "Behave yourself!

Editor: “小丫头,你给我放老实点,要是你敢做出不利于我们的举动,我立刻杀了你师父。”

GF: ②形 守规矩;顺从管理。
# 老實 老实 [lao3 shi5] /well-behaved, law-abiding/
# editor:
- 老實 老实 [lao3 shi5] /honest/sincere/open and guileless/naive/
+ 老實 老实 [lao3 shi5] /honest/sincere/well-behaved/open and guileless/naive/
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