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Change log entry 58519
Processed by: richwarm (2015-08-16 12:26:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 55937 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) I don't like "bullet-ridden" and although something can be said in its defence (see link below), I prefer "bullet-riddled" (as does TP in the example below).
Also, "bullet-riddled" is in OED, but "bullet-ridden" is not.

2) There is no sense in LA's definition of 纍纍 that seems appropriate in this context.
However, various definitions of 累累 (including cedict's "riddled with") seem appropriate.
Also, B says 果实累累,词语,比喻巨大的成绩或者荣誉。果实累累,此处读léi。累累:连续成串。又如:累赘;用于积累、连累、连篇累牍、罪行累累等读lěi。)

3) TP uses 纍纍 lots of times, but it's always about lots of fruit or lots of achievements.
When it comes to bullets, TP prefers 累累:
a) 還保存了一棟彈痕累累的洋樓
At the entrance to the village at Peishan is still preserved a bullet-scarred mansion
b) 彈痕累累的拉瑪拉市區所有的商店緊關著大門,
All the businesses in bullet-riddled downtown Ramallah were locked up tight

4) GV
"彈痕累累" 20k
"彈痕纍纍" 4k (including sources derived from cedict, of course)

5) The similar expression 傷痕累累 is lěilěi in M, A, K, and cedict.
- 彈痕纍纍 弹痕累累 [dan4 hen2 lei2 lei2] /bullet-ridden/
+ 彈痕累累 弹痕累累 [dan4 hen2 lei3 lei3] /bullet-riddled/
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