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Change log entry 58518
Processed by: richwarm (2015-08-16 12:25:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 55765 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 直到十九世紀末,西方繪畫技法、學說逐漸進入中土,
Western painting techniques and theory started to make inroads in China in the late 19th century,
- 多年後工匠陸續老死西藏,技法隨之失傳,這批天珠就此成為世間絕品……
The artisans gradually died off, and their skills were lost, so that production ceased.
- 其學習嶺南畫派技法。
as well as Southern School painting techniques.
- 王俠軍以複雜的脫臘技法
Heinrich Wang uses the elaborate lost-wax method of casting
- 藉著西方傳教士引入的西洋技法,
missionaries from the West introduced new [glassmaking] techniques
- 畫面看似渾濁簡單,技法卻很豐富。
The paintings appear quite simple, but Wang's technique is actually very sophisticated.
- 文學技法
literary technique


Dicts seem to follow Chinese definitions slavishly:
LA ~ 技巧和方法。
M ~ 藝術創作的技巧和方法。 (and Z has the same def)
HanDeDict ~ Technik und Methode
A ~ technique and method
K ~ technique, artistic skill and method
NC ~ skill and technique
(but NC uses just "technique" in translating its example sentence)


1) Why does the definition have to be of the form "___ and ___"?

2) It's not necessarily about art and craft:
機器學習技法 (Machine Learning Techniques)
+ 技法 技法 [ji4 fa3] /technique/method/
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