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Change log entry 58471
Processed by: richwarm (2015-08-13 00:24:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 54508 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
1. verbose
2. "funerary mat"--although the word means "to pad the back", Z suggests that it's with "riches". No example of use.
3. it can be to "suffer along", f.i. if you bring your enemy along in your death. see Z and K; M's example is probably that too, in opposition to the def.
4. it can be voluntary: 犧牲
- 墊背 垫背 [dian4 bei4] /funerary mat/fig. to serve as scape-goat/to act as fall guy for sb else's misdemeanors/
+ 墊背 垫背 [dian4 bei4] /to serve as a sacrificial victim/to suffer for sb else/scapegoat/to share sb's fate/
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