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Change log entry 58450
Processed by: richwarm (2015-08-11 06:43:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 54034 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
what's that about Start dancing?

J and GT suggest hit it off
Editor: I think "Start dancing!" is intended to evoke the image of a dancing class where the instructor says something like: "Ready now ... On the beat, start dancing ..."

the main suspect admitted that he got involved through a chance meeting with the nephew of drug warlord Kun Sha. The two got along well together right away, and the nephew asked him to sell 60 kg of heroin for him in Taiwan.

should make a perfect match.

Taiwan is a small place, and if someone isn't from your home town, he's liable to be an alumnus of the same school. It's easy to quickly find common ground.
- 一拍即合 一拍即合 [yi1 pai1 ji2 he2] /lit. on the beat, together now (idiom); Start dancing!/fig. things fit together at one go/to click together/to chime in easily/
+ 一拍即合 一拍即合 [yi1 pai1 ji2 he2] /lit. to be together from the first beat (idiom)/to hit it off/to click together/to chime in easily/
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