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Change log entry 58375
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2015-07-27 08:46:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 55750 - submitted by 'jt' >>
also heard abbreviated to 高反 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/296350793.html
altitude sickness
# 高原反應 高原反应 [gao1 yuan2 fan3 ying4] /acute mountain sickness/
# editor:
+ 高原反應 高原反应 [gao1 yuan2 fan3 ying4] /altitude sickness/acute mountain sickness/abbr. to 高反[gao1 fan3]/
# editor adding:
+ 高反 高反 [gao1 fan3] /altitude sickness/abbr. for 高原反應|高原反应[gao1 yuan2 fan3 ying4]/
+ 高山病 高山病 [gao1 shan1 bing4] /altitude sickness/acute mountain sickness/
+ 高山症 高山症 [gao1 shan1 zheng4] /altitude sickness/acute mountain sickness/
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