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Change log entry 58283
Processed by: richwarm (2015-07-20 11:58:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 55717 - submitted by 'jt' >>
Example: 这位女演员走红地毯时发现与另一位影星撞衫了。


Editor: The example provided (and other examples too*) indicate that it might be best defined as a verb.

* e.g.
- 走在路上發現與別人撞衫,這件事或許不時發生於日常生活中
- 做一个不撞衫的时尚达人衣柜功能详解
# 撞衫 撞衫 [zhuang4 shan1] /Refers to a situation where two or more people are wearing the same shirt or outfit - outfit clash/
+ 撞衫 撞衫 [zhuang4 shan1] /to wear the same outfit as sb else (in public)/
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