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Change log entry 58246
Processed by: richwarm (2015-07-19 10:59:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 55822 - submitted by 'beifengnlp' >>
- 丈二和尚,摸不著頭腦 丈二和尚,摸不着头脑 [zhang4 er2 he2 shang5 , mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3] /lit. like a three-meter high monk , you can't rub his head (idiom)/fig. at a total loss/
# + 丈二和尚,摸不著頭腦 丈二和尚,摸不着头脑 [zhang4 er4 he2 shang5 , mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3] /lit. like a three-meter high monk , you can't rub his head (idiom)/fig. at a total loss/
# Editor: Removing space after "monk" as well ~
+ 丈二和尚,摸不著頭腦 丈二和尚,摸不着头脑 [zhang4 er4 he2 shang5 , mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3] /lit. like a three-meter high monk, you can't rub his head (idiom)/fig. at a total loss/
# Fixing the tone and cross-reference here as well ~
- 丈二金剛摸不著頭腦 丈二金刚摸不着头脑 [zhang4 er2 Jin1 gang1 mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3] /see 丈二和尚,摸不著頭腦|丈二和尚,摸不着头脑[zhang4 er2 he2 shang5 , mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3]/
+ 丈二金剛摸不著頭腦 丈二金刚摸不着头脑 [zhang4 er4 Jin1 gang1 mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3] /see 丈二和尚,摸不著頭腦|丈二和尚,摸不着头脑[zhang4 er4 he2 shang5 , mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3]/
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