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Change log entry 58220
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2015-07-17 16:41:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 55771 - submitted by 'jt' >>
ex: 聪聪已经六天没更博了。。。肿么了!?

Editor: B: 更博是指博客一族们对自己博客的更新的简称,将自己的关注的事或者是需要在自己博客中记录的事,发布在博客上,包括:发表文章、上传照片等事情!

I have a dream that in 2010 Hawick will update his blogs frequently and make us feel content.
# 更博 更博 [geng1 bo2] /to update 微博, especially after not having done so for a long time (Internet slang)/
+ 更博 更博 [geng1 bo2] /(Internet slang) to update one's blog/
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