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Change log entry 58077
Processed by: richwarm (2015-07-06 07:52:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 55200 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
probably not the best defs, but the existing is really 贫乏 itself.
- "incomplete" doesn't seem very good
- Although "lack" is OK (see below), "(adj.) lacking" was unfortunately deleted to make way for it.

Not uncommonly used as a noun ~
- 當時覺得真羞愧,深深領悟到自己對鄉土認識的貧乏,決定從此要奮發圖強。
- 醫療的貧乏 a lack of adequate health care
- 「貧乏性富裕」the phenomenon of "impoverished wealth" arose in Tokyo. The term refers to people being materially wealthy but spiritually impoverished.
- 反倒透露出自己的空泛與貧乏。merely revealed my own emptiness and inadequacy.

"lacking" and "deficient" tend to suggest complete absence, so I included "limited" and "meager"
- 台灣盲生的資源太貧乏了。students in schools for the visually impaired in Taiwan have limited access to resources
- 自身油源貧乏的台灣
- 英語詞彙過於貧乏 Responding to criticism of his limited English vocabulary,
- 貧乏 贫乏 [pin2 fa2] /lack/incomplete/
# + 貧乏 贫乏 [pin2 fa2] /to lack in/to be poor in/meager/poor/
+ 貧乏 贫乏 [pin2 fa2] /impoverished/lacking/deficient/limited/meager/impoverishment/lack/deficiency/
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