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Change log entry 58039
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2015-07-03 19:43:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 55347 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
小曲 @ NC: ditty; popular tune
小曲 @ M: 一種流傳於民間的俚俗歌曲。
See also J.
TP ~ 想當年,騎著辛苦買來的腳踏車,載著女友,一邊哼著剛學會的小曲,一邊搖頭晃腦地從街頭逛到街尾。
I think back to those times, when I rode my hard-earned bicycle with my girlfriend, humming a newly learned tune and bobbing my head as I pedaled from one end of the street to the other.

Even when we suffered and were tortured black and blue and bleeding, we just picked ourselves up and walked on, licking our wounds and humming a tune.
# + 小曲 小曲 [xiao3 qu1] /popular song/folk tune/ballad/
+ 小曲 小曲 [xiao3 qu3] /popular song/folk tune/ballad/
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