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Change log entry 57103
Processed by: richwarm (2015-04-17 12:23:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 40192 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
M, N, Z

M and Z list a bunch of other defs too, not sure if we need those...

Editor: We now have this entry
金童玉女 金童玉女 [jin1 tong2 yu4 nu:3] /lit. golden boys and jade maidens (idiom)/attendants of the Daoist immortals/fig. lovely young children/a golden couple/(of a couple who are in the public eye) a lovely young couple/
# = 金童玉女 金童玉女 [jin1 tong2 yu4 nu:3] /the Golden Boy and the Jade Maiden, attendants of the Immortals (idiom)/a lovely young pair (in sports, TV etc)/
# 玉女 玉女 [yu4 nu:3] /the Jade Maiden/
+ 玉女 玉女 [yu4 nu:3] /beautiful woman/fairy maiden attending the Daoist immortals/(polite) sb else's daughter/Chinese dodder (Cuscuta chinensis), plant whose seeds are used for TCM/
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