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Change log entry 56647
Processed by: ycandau (2015-03-17 16:21:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51798 - submitted by 'miles' >>
# 收容教育 收容教育 [shou1 rong2 jiao4 yu4] /reeducation in custody/mild form of reeducation through labor 勞動教養|劳动教养[lao2 dong4 jiao4 yang3]/
# ## “收容教育” score 1/4 million Google hits, including celebrity news. This is a formal custodial sentence handed down by the PRC courts.
# Editor: not by the courts, by the police. It's 行政处罚
+ 收容教育 收容教育 [shou1 rong2 jiao4 yu4] /custody and reeducation (administrative punishment for prostitutes)/
# - 收容 收容 [shou1 rong2] /to take in (to a hostel)/to shelter/
# + 收容 收容 [shou1 rong2] /to take in (to a hostel)/to shelter/detention (in prison or psychiatric asylum)/
# ## a fraction of the Jukuu hits clearly refer to forcible detention
# ## 收容人 or 收容者 also means inmates/people in custody
# taken care of elsewhere
- 收容所 收容所 [shou1 rong2 suo3] /temporary shelter/hospice/refuge (e.g. for animals)/
# + 收容所 收容所 [shou1 rong2 suo3] /temporary shelter/hospice/refuge (e.g. for animals)/asylum/
# ## English "asylum" is neutral. 收容所 sometime also means penitentiary, prison or concentration camp.
+ 收容所 收容所 [shou1 rong2 suo3] /temporary shelter/hospice/refuge (e.g. for animals)/detention center/
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