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Change log entry 56591
Processed by: ycandau (2015-03-13 15:32:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52399 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
CH: 自:从……出来的地方。指事情的发生、发展有其来由,并非偶然。
L: 形容事物的發生有其原由。[例]山坡屢遭濫墾,因此土石流的發生~。

- 博客來-腦內乾坤-男女有別,其來有自

It is not surprising that 'light novels' have become the mainstream reading among young people. There is a reason behind this.

Obama's bridge-building instincts come from somewhere.
+ 其來有自 其来有自 [qi2 lai2 you3 zi4] /there is a reason for it/(of sth) not incidental/
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