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Change log entry 56585
Processed by: ycandau (2015-03-13 13:56:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 53971 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I think "calculated", "steps", and "methodical" are off the mark.
I think it's just unhurried, clam, or leisurely.

LA ~ 形容動作或講話不慌不忙,從容不迫。
例 「她說話總是慢條斯理的」。
M ~ 從容不迫的樣子。

"calculated" suggests "planned ahead"
"methodical" suggests "done according to a systematic or established procedure"
"steps" doesn't fit LA's example sentence, or the following one either. Generally, it describes a continuous rather than discrete processes.

TP ~ 王怡穎的動作和講話速度仍像發條沒有上緊似的慢條斯理。
Wang still speaks and moves unhurriedly--like someone forgot to wind her up all the way.
- 慢條斯理 慢条斯理 [man4 tiao2 si1 li3] /with calculated unhurried steps (idiom); slow and deliberate/methodical/
+ 慢條斯理 慢条斯理 [man4 tiao2 si1 li3] /unhurried/calm/composed/leisurely/
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