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Change log entry 56506
Processed by: richwarm (2015-03-10 03:47:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 54078 >>
The original definition said "hoarding" instead of "boarding." This is a simple typo, that's all.
Editor: It's not a typo.
See American Heritage Dictionary, definition #3 of "hoarding".

What do you mean by "boarding"? — boarding (school)? boarding (a plane)? (snow) boarding?
廣告牌 doesn't mean any of those things.
- 廣告牌 广告牌 [guang3 gao4 pai2] /advertisement/hoarding/signboard/
# + 廣告牌 广告牌 [guang3 gao4 pai2] /advertisement/boarding/signboard/
+ 廣告牌 广告牌 [guang3 gao4 pai2] /billboard/
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