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Change log entry 56500
Processed by: richwarm (2015-03-09 11:03:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 54036 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
# 搖櫓船 摇橹船 [yao2 lu3 chuan2] /scull/
# Editor ~
+ 搖櫓船 摇橹船 [yao2 lu3 chuan2] /boat propelled by a yuloh (a single sculling oar)/
- 搖櫓 摇橹 [yao2 lu3] /to scull/to row/
+ 搖櫓 摇橹 [yao2 lu3] /to scull (with a single oar, usually mounted on the stern of the boat)/
- 櫓 橹 [lu3] /sculling oar/
+ 櫓 橹 [lu3] /scull (single oar worked from side to side over the stern of the boat) (free word)/
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