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Change log entry 56430
Processed by: ycandau (2015-03-05 13:24:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46495 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>


Editor: hm, quite a construct, you can 陶冶 a lot of things, 心情, 情治, 心灵
I am taking this in, as example of use of two difficult words. In fact my def is possibly lacking.

Will also try to improve 陶冶
# 陶冶情操 陶冶情操 [tao2 ye3 qing2 cao1] /to cultivate taste/build character/
+ 陶冶情操 陶冶情操 [tao2 ye3 qing2 cao1] /to cultivate one's mind/to build character/
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