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Change log entry 56352
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-24 17:24:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46623 - submitted by '15113278' >>
Also written as 一唱三嘆


"The style of this writing was unusually melancholic--it caused everyone to sigh deeply as they read it."
# 一倡三歎 一倡三叹 [yi1 chang4 san1 tan4] /(Describing any work of literature) So gracefully or emotionally written that it leaves the reader sighing unconsciously/
+ 一倡三歎 一倡三叹 [yi1 chang4 san1 tan4] /(of literature, music) deeply moving (idiom)/
+ 一唱三嘆 一唱三叹 [yi1 chang4 san1 tan4] /see 一倡三歎|一倡三叹[yi1 chang4 san1 tan4]/
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