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Change log entry 56336
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-23 12:39:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52388 - submitted by 'jodd' >>
from zdict:
1.以斧砍削使之合乎标准。 宋 李纲 《上道君太上皇帝书》:“营缮宫室,斧正不輟。”

2.亦作“ 斧政 ”。请人修改诗文的敬辞。 清 颜光敏 《与曹禾书》:“小词成之数日……幸斧正是荷。” 苏曼殊 《与刘之书》:“拙诗蒙斧政,不胜雀跃。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致增田涉》:“《中国小说史》序文呈上……祈大加斧正。”

Editor: on searching I found many examples of "please make corrections" in the sense "please correct what you have been writing", which makes it ambiguous.
# 斧正 斧正 [fu3 zheng4] /(please) make corrections/
+ 斧正 斧正 [fu3 zheng4] /(polite) please amend my writing/
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