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Change log entry 56260
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-13 20:48:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49663 - submitted by 'bubbha' >>
In many contexts, say, 班級幹部 or 社團幹部, "cadre" is an inappropriate translation for 幹部. The English word "cadre" has connotations of "Communist revolutionary". Most C-E dictionaries give "cadre" as the only definition of 幹部, leading to frequent misuse of "cadre" in resumes and essays, with the potential for negatively affecting an applicant's chances for study or employment.


Editor: these different translations are found in TP
- 幹部 干部 [gan4 bu4] /cadre/
# + 幹部 干部 [gan4 bu4] /cadre/leader/officer/
+ 幹部 干部 [gan4 bu4] /cadre/official/officer/manager/
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