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Change log entry 56248
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-13 15:27:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48815 - submitted by 'brianlawrence' >>
“诸葛亮神机妙算,我真比不上他。” (人教版语文课本)

汉语成语词典:(神机妙算)既可以具体指某一条计谋,也可以指某个人具有这样的本领。 -- I tried to show the two separate meanings in the English.
# 神機妙算 神机妙算 [shen2 ji1 miao4 suan4] /clever scheme / shrewd/
+ 神機妙算 神机妙算 [shen2 ji1 miao4 suan4] /divine strategy and wonderful planning (idiom)/clever scheme/supremely clever in his schemes/
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