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Change log entry 56245
Processed by: richwarm (2015-02-13 05:52:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 53913 - submitted by 'luoning' >>
- 自我實現 自我实现 [zi4 wo3 shi2 xian4] /Maslow's hierarchy of needs/
# + 自我實現 自我实现 [zi4 wo3 shi2 xian4] /Self-actualization (e.g. in Maslow's hierarchy of needs 马斯洛的需求层次)/
+ 自我實現 自我实现 [zi4 wo3 shi2 xian4] /self-actualization (psychology)/self-realization/
# + 马斯洛的需求层次 [ma3 si1 luo4 de5 xu1 xiu2 ceng2 ci4] /Maslow's hierarchy of needs/
# + 需求层次 [xu1 xiu2 ceng2 ci4] /(Maslow's) hierarchy of needs/
+ 需求層次理論 需求层次理论 [xu1 xiu2 ceng2 ci4 li4 lun4] /(Maslow's) hierarchy of needs (psychology)/
# + 马斯洛 [ma3 si1 luo4] /Maslow (surname), e.g. Abraham Maslow, creator of Maslow's heirarchy of needs 马斯洛的需求层次/
+ 馬斯洛 马斯洛 [Ma3 si1 luo4] /Maslow (surname)/Abraham Maslow (1908-1970), US psychologist/
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