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Change log entry 56239
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2015-02-12 12:42:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 53271 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"hold hands"??
手牵手 means "hand in hand" but that doesn't mean 牵 = "hold hands", and we have an entry for 手牵手.

"involve" is in various dictionaries.

It'd be nice to have a (BF) tag to indicate that for the "involve" sense it's a bound form rather than a freely combinable verb.
牽 牵 [qian1] /to lead along/to pull (an animal on a tether)/(BF) to involve/to draw in/

Editor: per discussion
- 牽 牵 [qian1] /to pull (an animal on a tether)/to lead along/to hold hands/
# + 牽 牵 [qian1] /to lead along/to pull (an animal on a tether)/to involve/to draw in/
+ 牽 牵 [qian1] /to lead along/to pull (an animal on a tether)/(bound form) to involve/to draw in/
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