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Change log entry 56210
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-09 20:41:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 53196 - submitted by 'sawcordwell' >>
I'm not sure of the meaning, Wiktionary says "ruined, decayed, disintergrate", but Google +"颓" has 1,060,000 results (+"頽" has 336,000) whereas +"穨" has 286,000 results so 頽|颓[tui2] seems to be the more relevant.

Editor: the problem here is 頹 vs 頽. I'm making a new sub.
# - 頽 颓 [tui2] /variant of 穨|颓[tui2]/
# + 頽 颓 [tui2] /to become bald/decadent/
# - 穨 穨 [tui2] /to become bald/decadent/
# + 穨 穨 [tui2] /variant of 頽|颓[tui2]/
# + 穨 颓 [tui2] /variant of 頽|颓[tui2]/
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