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Change log entry 5603
Processed by: miles (2008-09-06 14:56:52 GMT)
+ 收詞 收词 [shou1 ci2] /to collect words/to harvest entries for a dictionary/
+ 收存 收存 [shou1 cun2] /to receive for storage/delivery of goods/to gather and store/to store safely/safe keeping/
+ 收存箱 收存箱 [shou1 cun2 xiang1] /delivery box/drop box/
+ 收冬 收冬 [shou1 dong1] /harvest season/autumn/
+ 春生,夏長,秋收,冬藏 春生,夏长,秋收,冬藏 [chun1 sheng1 , xia4 zhang3 , qiu1 shou1 , dong1 cang2] /sow in spring, develop in summer, harvest in autumn, store in winter (成语 saw)/
+ 收發 收发 [shou1 fa1] /to receive and send/to receive and transmit/
+ 收發室 收发室 [shou1 fa1 shi4] /mail room/radio room (i.e. reception and transmission)/
+ 收發短信 收发短信 [shou1 fa1 duan3 xin4] /to text/to receive and send SMS messages/
+ 全向 全向 [quan2 xiang4] /in all directions/
+ 收方 收方 [shou1 fang1] /receiving party/recipient/debit side (of balance sheet), as opposed to credit side 付方[fu4 fang1]/
- 付方 付方 [fu4 fang1] /debit side (of a balance sheet)/
+ 付方 付方 [fu4 fang1] /credit side (of a balance sheet), as opposed to 收方[shou1 fang1]/
+ 收服 收服 [shou1 fu2] /to subdue/to force to capitulate/to reduce to submission/to soothe/
+ 收伏 收伏 [shou1 fu2] /used erroneously for 收服[shou1 fu5]/
+ 收復失地 收复失地 [shou1 fu4 shi1 di4] /to recover lost territory/
- 收割 收割 [shou1 ge1] /reap/
+ 收割 收割 [shou1 ge1] /to harvest/to reap/to gather in crops/
- 收穫 收获 [shou1 huo4] /a crop (in agriculture)/a harvest/an acquisition/profit/gain/success/reward/
+ 收穫 收获 [shou1 huo4] /crop (in agriculture)/harvest/acquisition/profit/gain/bonus/success/reward/
+ 收監 收监 [shou1 jian1] /to imprison/to take into custody/
+ 泛濫成災 泛滥成灾 [fan4 lan4 cheng2 zai1] /flood causes disaster (成语 saw); fig. swamped with work/
+ 收看 收看 [shou1 kan4] /to view/to watch TV/to receive TV channels/
+ 收口 收口 [shou1 kou3] /to cast off (in knitting)/to sew a finishing hem/to close up (of wound)/to heal/
+ 收攬 收揽 [shou1 lan3] /to win the support of/to get over to one's side/to keep control of/
+ 收禮 收礼 [shou1 li3] /to accept a gift/to receive presents/
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