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Change log entry 5602
Processed by: miles (2008-09-06 14:55:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 5060 - submitted by 'vincebaey' >>
+ 收兵 收兵 [shou1 bing1] /to retreat/to withdraw troops/to recall troops/fig. to finish work/to wind up/to call it a day/used with negatives: the task is far from over/
+ 敲鑼 敲锣 [qiao1 luo2] /to beat a gong/
+ 鳴金 鸣金 [ming2 jin1] /to beat a gong/to sound the retreat/
- 擂 擂 [lei4] /beat (a drum)/
+ 擂 擂 [lei4] /to beat (a drum)/
+ 擂鼓鳴金 擂鼓鸣金 [lei2 gu3 ming2 jin1] /to beat the drum and sound the gong (成语 saw); fig. to order an advance or retreat/to egg people on or to call them back/
+ 擊鼓鳴金 击鼓鸣金 [ji1 gu3 ming2 jin1] /to beat the drum and sound the gong (成语 saw); fig. to order an advance or retreat/to egg people on or to call them back/
+ 鳴金收兵 鸣金收兵 [ming2 jin1 shou1 bing1] /to beat the gong to recall troops (成语 saw); to order a retreat/
+ 鳴金收軍 鸣金收军 [ming2 jin1 shou1 jun1] /to beat the gong to recall troops (成语 saw); to order a retreat/
+ 草草收兵 草草收兵 [cao3 cao3 shou1 bing1] /to work vaguely then retreat (成语 saw); sloppy and half-hearted/half-baked/
+ 草率收兵 草率收兵 [cao3 shuai4 shou1 bing1] /to work vaguely then retreat (成语 saw); sloppy and half-hearted/half-baked/
+ 結束工作 结束工作 [jie2 shu4 gong1 zuo4] /to finish work/
+ 霍布斯 霍布斯 [Huo4 bu4 si1] /Hobbs (name)/
+ 收報 收报 [shou1 bao4] /to receive mail/to receive a telegraph/
+ 收報人 收报人 [shou1 bao4 ren2] /recipient (of mail or a message)/
+ 發報 发报 [fa1 bao4] /to send a message/
+ 發報人 发报人 [fa1 bao4 ren2] /sender (of a message)/
+ 付費 付费 [fu4 fei4] /to pay/to cover the costs/
+ 收報室 收报室 [shou1 bao4 shi4] /mail room/radio reception room/
- 聯絡 联络 [lian2 luo4] /communication/get in touch with/contact/connection (math.)/
+ 聯絡 联络 [lian2 luo4] /communication/to get in touch with/to contact/connection (math.)/
+ 收報機 收报机 [shou1 bao4 ji1] /telegraph receiver/
+ 收報員 收报员 [shou1 bao4 yuan2] /telegraph operator/
+ 收編 收编 [shou1 bian1] /to incorporate into one's troops/to weave in/
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