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Change log entry 5601
Processed by: miles (2008-09-06 11:31:17 GMT)
+ 蟲洞 虫洞 [chong2 dong4] /worm-hole (in cosmology and science fiction_/
+ 蟹狀星雲 蟹状星云 [xie4 zhuang4 xing1 yun2] /Crab nebula/
+ 旋渦星雲 旋涡星云 [xuan2 wo1 xing1 yun2] /spiral nebula/
+ 銀河星雲 银河星云 [yin2 he2 xing1 yun2] /galactic nebula/
+ 血中毒 血中毒 [xue4 zhong4 du2] /blood poisoning/
+ 不連續 不连续 [bu4 lian2 xu4] /discontinuous/discrete/
+ 熱動平衡 热动平衡 [re4 dong4 ping2 heng2] /thermodynamic equilibrium/
+ 動平衡 动平衡 [dong4 ping2 heng2] /dynamic equilibrium/dynamic balancing/
+ 非平衡 非平衡 [fei1 ping2 heng2] /non-equilibrium/disequilibrium/unbalance/
+ 血液凝結 血液凝结 [xue4 ye4 ning2 jie2] /blood clotting/
+ 粥樣硬化 粥样硬化 [zhou1 yang4 ying4 hua4] /atherosclerosis/hardening of the arteries/
+ 行李員 行李员 [xing2 li5 yuan2] /porter/bellboy/
+ 西米德蘭茲郡 西米德兰兹郡 [Xi1 mi3 de2 lan2 zi1 jun4] /West Midlands, UK county, capital Birmingham 伯明翰[Bo2 ming2 han4]/
+ 西米德蘭茲 西米德兰兹 [Xi1 mi3 de2 lan2 zi1] /West Midlands, UK county, capital Birmingham 伯明翰[Bo2 ming2 han4]/
- 考文垂 考文垂 [Kao3 wen2 chui2] /Coventry (UK)/
+ 考文垂 考文垂 [Kao3 wen2 chui2] /Coventry city in West Midlands 西米德蘭茲|西米德兰兹[Xi1 mi3 de2 lan2 zi1], UK/
+ 西門豹 西门豹 [Xi1 Men2 bao4] /Xi Menbao (active around 422 BC), statesman, general and hydraulic engineer of Wei state 魏國|魏国[Wei4 guo2]/
+ 屢遭 屡遭 [lu:3 zao1] /to suffer repeatedly/
+ 水患 水患 [shui3 huan4] /flooding/water disaster/
+ 水利家 水利家 [shui3 li4 jia1] /water manager/hydraulic engineer/
+ 觸目 触目 [chu4 mu4] /eye-catching/conspicuous/obtrusive/striking/sticking out/
+ 不触目 不触目 [bu4 chu4 mu4] /unobtrusive/
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