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Change log entry 55949
Processed by: ycandau (2015-01-27 20:43:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50890 - submitted by 'langhai' >>
Similar to the English expression "can't see the forest for the trees".

Found here: http://www.chinasmack.com/2014/stories/massive-police-crackdown-on-dongguan-prostitution-industry.html

this has practically no existence outside of this web comment, which was widely republished by media.
It's probably a mistake, or a reinterpretation, of
Because of this, and reading the original comment, I feel that chinasmack has made a small error. The intended sense was "to go after small game and miss big game", which is slightly different from "not seeing the forest for the trees"
# 只見芝麻不見西瓜 只见芝麻不见西瓜 [zhi3 jian4 zhi1 ma5 bu4 jian4 xi1 gua1] /Only see the sesame seed, can't see the watermelon (idiom) /Can't see the forest for the trees/
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