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Change log entry 5591
Processed by: miles (2008-09-05 23:52:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 5519 >>
+ 小白鼠 小白鼠 [xiao3 bai2 shu3] /little white mouse (esp. laboratory animal)/fig. guinea pig, i.e. human participant in experiment/
+ 鼷鼠 鼷鼠 [xi1 shu3] /rat/mouse/
+ 定向培育 定向培育 [ding4 xiang4 pei2 yu4] /directed breeding/
+ 觸毛 触毛 [chu4 mao2] /whiskers/
+ 環境溫度 环境温度 [huan2 jing4 wen1 du4] /environmental temperature/
+ 驟變 骤变 [zhou4 bian4] /abrupt change/sudden discontinuity/
+ 過高 过高 [guo4 gao1] /too high/
+ 過低 过低 [guo4 di1] /too low/
+ 乾瘦 干瘦 [gan1 shou4] /wizened/skinny and shrivelled/
+ 干系 干系 [gan1 xi4] /responsibility/
+ 極有可能 极有可能 [ji2 you3 ke3 neng2] /extremely possible/probable/
+ 現代人 现代人 [xian4 dai4 ren2] /modern man/Homo sapiens/
+ 未解之謎 未解之谜 [wei4 jie3 zhi1 mi2] /unsolved mystery/
+ 未解 未解 [wei4 jie3] /unsolved (problem)/
+ 整個地球 整个地球 [zheng3 ge4 di4 qiu2] /the whole world/
+ 直系 直系 [zhi2 xi4] /directly related/
+ 直系祖先 直系祖先 [zhi2 xi4 zu3 xian1] /direct ancestor/
+ 北京猿人 北京猿人 [Bei3 jing1 yuan2 ren2] /Peking ape-man/Homo erectus pekinensis (c. 600,000 BC), discovered in Zhoukoudian 周口店[Zhou1 kou3 dian4] in 1921/
+ 北京人 北京人 [Bei3 jing1 ren2] /Peking ape-man/Homo erectus pekinensis (c. 600,000 BC), discovered in Zhoukoudian 周口店[Zhou1 kou3 dian4] in 1921/
+ 周口店 周口店 [Zhou1 kou3 dian4] /Zhoukoudian in Beijing/
+ 單源論 单源论 [dan1 yuan2 lun4] /theory of single origin (of mankind)/
+ 非洲單源說 非洲单源说 [Fei1 zhou1 dan1 yuan2 shuo1] /single origin out of Africa (current mainstream theory of human evolution)/
+ 人類起源 人类起源 [ren2 lei4 qi3 yuan2] /origin of mankind/
+ 原形畢露 原形毕露 [yuan2 xing2 bi4 lu4] /original identity fully revealed (成语 saw); fig. to unmask and expose the whole truth/
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