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Change log entry 55780
Processed by: richwarm (2015-01-19 09:08:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49892 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
1 anniversary of the death of a progenitor or sb. else held in esteem
2 day of mourning

a c-e dict:
same as "忌辰“

we already have 忌辰 defined as "anniversary of a death"

1 先辈去世的纪念日(旧俗这一天忌娱乐、宴会、故称)
2 迷信指不宜做某事的日子

1 父母或祖先死亡的日子
2 迷信称行事不吉利的日子

1 人去世的日子
2 不吉利的日子

讳日 the tabu day, i.e. the anniversary of the death of a parent or prince, when all thoughts are directed to him, and other things avoided.

maybe "tabu" means "taboo"? but I don't know much about 佛 so I really can't say...

as for the def "death anniversary"
A death anniversary is a custom observed in several Asian cultures including India, China, Pakistan, Israel, Georgia, Iran, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Russia, Hong Kong and Vietnam, as well as in other nations with significant overseas Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Jewish, and Vietnamese populations. Like a birthday, it is celebrated each year, but instead of on the date of birth of the individual being celebrated, it is celebrated on the day on which a family member or other significant individual died. There are also similar memorial services that are held at different intervals, such as every week.

Editor: It's the opposite of an auspicious day.
# 忌日 忌日 [ji4 ri4] /death anniversary/auspicious day/
+ 忌日 忌日 [ji4 ri4] /anniversary of a death/inauspicious day/
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