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Change log entry 5570
Processed by: miles (2008-09-04 21:34:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 5497 - submitted by 'vincebaey' >>
- 推進 推进 [tui1 jin4] /to impel/
+ 推進 推进 [tui1 jin4] /to impel/to carry forward/to push on/to advance/to drive forward/
+ 兩國之間 两国之间 [liang3 guo2 zhi1 jian1] /bilateral/between two countries/
+ 友好關係 友好关系 [you3 hao3 guan1 xi4] /good relations/
+ 新階段 新阶段 [xin1 jie1 duan4] /new level/higher plane/
+ 中西醫 中西医 [zhong1 xi1 yi1] /Chinese and western medicine/
- 聞風喪膽 闻风丧胆 [wen2 feng1 sang4 dan3] /terror-stricken at the news/
+ 聞風喪膽 闻风丧胆 [wen2 feng1 sang4 dan3] /hear the wind and lose gall (成语 saw); terror-stricken at the news/
+ 猛虎 猛虎 [meng3 hu3] /fierce tiger/
+ 進擊 进击 [jin4 ji1] /to attack/
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