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Change log entry 5567
Processed by: miles (2008-09-04 21:18:31 GMT)
+ 雙唑泰栓 双唑泰栓 [shuang1 zuo4 tai4 shuan1] /metronidazole, clotrimazole and chlorhexidine acetate (as suppository)/
+ 甲硝唑 甲硝唑 [jia3 xiao1 zuo4] /metronidazole (antibacterial agent)/Flagyl (US)/
+ 抗菌甲硝唑 抗菌甲硝唑 [kang4 jun1 jia3 xiao1 zuo4] /anti-bacterial metronidazole/
+ 克霉唑 克霉唑 [ke4 mei2 zuo4] /clotrimazole (antifungal agent)/Canesten/MyCelex or Lotrimin (US)/
+ 厭氧菌 厌氧菌 [yan4 yang3 jun1] /anaerobic bacteria/
+ 阿奇霉素 阿奇霉素 [a1 qi2 mei2 su4] /azithromycin (macrolide antibiotic)/Zithromax/
+ 嗜血桿菌 嗜血杆菌 [shi4 xue4 gan3 jun1] /hemophile bacteria/hemophilus/
+ 嗜血 嗜血 [shi4 xue4] /blood-thirsty/blood-sucking/hemophile/
+ 敲榨 敲榨 [qiao1 zha4] /to wring/to extort (money)/to rip off/clothes-wringer/
+ 軍團菌 军团菌 [jun1 tuan2 jun1] /Legionella (bacterium causing legionnaires' disease)/
+ 防凍劑 防冻剂 [fang2 dong4 ji4] /antifreeze agent/
+ 栓劑 栓剂 [shuan1 ji4] /suppository/
+ 坐藥 坐药 [zuo4 yao4] /suppository/
- 甘油 甘油 [gan1 you2] /glycerine/
+ 甘油 甘油 [gan1 you2] /glycerine/glycerol/
+ 甘油栓劑 甘油栓剂 [gan1 you2 shuan1 ji4] /glycerine suppository/
+ 濃稠 浓稠 [nong2 chou2] /thick/dense and creamy/
+ 扁穴 扁穴 [bian3 xue2] /tonsil/now written 扁桃體|扁桃体[bian3 tao2 ti3]/
+ 腺樣 腺样 [xian4 yang4] /adenoid gland/pharyngeal tonsil/
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