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Change log entry 55491
Processed by: richwarm (2015-01-05 20:01:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 53244 - submitted by 'sawcordwell' >>
Fix some ambiguous variant cross-references
- 㻽 㻽 [xuan2] /variant of 璿[xuan2]/also pr. [sui4]/
+ 㻽 㻽 [xuan2] /variant of 璿|璇[xuan2]/also pr. [sui4]/
- 畒 畒 [mu3] /old variant of 亩[mu3]/
+ 畒 畒 [mu3] /old variant of 亩|畝[mu3]/
- 茆 茆 [mao2] /variant of 茅/thatch/
+ 茆 茆 [mao2] /variant of 茅[mao2]/thatch/
- 蕠 蕠 [ru2] /variant of 茹/see 蕠藘[ru2 lu:2]/
+ 蕠 蕠 [ru2] /variant of 茹[ru2]/see 蕠藘[ru2 lu:2]/
- 逹 逹 [da2] /arrive at/reach/intelligent/variant of 達|达/
+ 逹 逹 [da2] /arrive at/reach/intelligent/variant of 達|达[da2]/
- 坆 坆 [fen2] /variant of 坟/grave/tomb/
+ 坆 坆 [fen2] /variant of 墳|坟[fen2]/grave/tomb/
# also remove redundant definitions, they are the same as the cross-referenced entry
- 兪 兪 [yu2] /variant of 俞/yes (used by Emperor or ruler)/OK/to accede/to assent/
+ 兪 兪 [yu2] /variant of 俞[yu2]/
- 孏 孏 [lan3] /old variant of 懒/lazy/
+ 孏 孏 [lan3] /old variant of 懶|懒[lan3]/
- 鬫 鬫 [kan4] /variant of 闞|阚/to glance/to peep/to roar/to growl/
+ 鬫 鬫 [kan4] /variant of 闞|阚[kan4]/to roar/to growl/
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