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Change log entry 55394
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2015-01-01 15:32:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 53191 - submitted by 'sawcordwell' >>
There is no entry 斑駁|斑驳[ban1 bo2] only 斑駮|斑驳[ban1 bo2]. Google search +"斑駁" has 479,000 results, +"斑駮" has 17,000 results. Perhaps need to add 斑駁|斑驳[ban1 bo2] as entry.

Editor: thanks. We list 駮 as a variant at character level anyway, so it should be 斑駁 as the trad. form of 斑驳.
# - 班駁 班驳 [ban1 bo2] /variant of 斑駁|斑驳[ban1 bo2]/
# + 班駁 班驳 [ban1 bo2] /variant of 斑駮|斑驳[ban1 bo2]/
# editor adding:
- 斑駮 斑驳 [ban1 bo2] /mottled/motley/
+ 斑駁 斑驳 [ban1 bo2] /mottled/motley/
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