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Change log entry 55388
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2015-01-01 15:15:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 53197 - submitted by 'sawcordwell' >>
Add pinyin to variant cross references
- 剰 剰 [sheng4] /Japanese variant of 剩/
+ 剰 剰 [sheng4] /Japanese variant of 剩[sheng4]/
- 賸 賸 [sheng4] /have as remainder/trad. variant of 剩/
+ 賸 賸 [sheng4] /have as remainder/trad. variant of 剩[sheng4]/
- 悪 悪 [e4] /Japanese variant of 惡|恶/
+ 悪 悪 [e4] /Japanese variant of 惡|恶[e4]/
- 蘁 蘁 [wu4] /to disobey/contrary/against/to go against/to violate/obscure character, possibly variant of 惡|恶/
+ 蘁 蘁 [wu4] /to disobey/contrary/against/to go against/to violate/obscure character, possibly variant of 惡|恶[e4]/
- 射手座 射手座 [She4 shou3 zuo4] /Sagittarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/popular variant of 人馬座|人马座/
+ 射手座 射手座 [She4 shou3 zuo4] /Sagittarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/popular variant of 人馬座|人马座[Ren2 ma3 zuo4]/
- 彼得格勒 彼得格勒 [Bi3 de2 ge2 le4] /Petrograd, variant spelling of 彼得堡, Saint Petersburg/
+ 彼得格勒 彼得格勒 [Bi3 de2 ge2 le4] /Petrograd, variant spelling of 彼得堡[Bi3 de2 bao3], Saint Petersburg/
- 怸 怸 [xi1] /obscure variant of 悉/Achyranthes bidentata, a root used in Chinese medicine, equivalent to 牛膝/
+ 怸 怸 [xi1] /obscure variant of 悉[xi1]/Achyranthes bidentata, a root used in Chinese medicine, equivalent to 牛膝[niu2 xi1]/
- 散座兒 散座儿 [san3 zuo4 r5] /erhua variant or 散座/single seat (in theater)/irregular passenger (in rickshaw)/
+ 散座兒 散座儿 [san3 zuo4 r5] /erhua variant of 散座[san3 zuo4]/single seat (in theater)/irregular passenger (in rickshaw)/
- 灪 灪 [yu4] /(obscure) variant of 鬱|郁/rich/great wave/
+ 灪 灪 [yu4] /(obscure) variant of 鬱|郁[yu4]/rich/great wave/
- 瑪竇 玛窦 [Ma3 dou4] /Matthew/St Matthew the evangelist/less common variant of 馬太|马太 (preferred by the Catholic church)/
+ 瑪竇 玛窦 [Ma3 dou4] /Matthew/St Matthew the evangelist/less common variant of 馬太|马太[Ma3 tai4] (preferred by the Catholic church)/
- 若翰 若翰 [Ruo4 han4] /John (less common form of 若望 or 約翰|约翰)/
+ 若翰 若翰 [Ruo4 han4] /John (less common form of 若望[Ruo4 wang4] or 約翰|约翰[Yue1 han4])/
- 若望 若望 [Ruo4 wang4] /John/Saint John/less common variant of 約翰|约翰 preferred by the Catholic church/
+ 若望 若望 [Ruo4 wang4] /John/Saint John/less common variant of 約翰|约翰[Yue1 han4] preferred by the Catholic church/
- 處女座 处女座 [Chu3 nu:3 zuo4] /Virgo (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/popular variant of 室女座/
+ 處女座 处女座 [Chu3 nu:3 zuo4] /Virgo (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/popular variant of 室女座[Shi4 nu:3 zuo4]/
- 蹎 蹎 [dian1] /to fall forward/etymological variant of 颠/
+ 蹎 蹎 [dian1] /to fall forward/etymological variant of 顛|颠[dian1]/
- 蹦躂 蹦跶 [beng4 da5] /to bounce/to jump/to hop/also variant of 蹦達|蹦达/
+ 蹦躂 蹦跶 [beng4 da5] /to bounce/to jump/to hop/also variant of 蹦達|蹦达[beng4 da2]/
- 阿盧巴 阿卢巴 [A1 lu2 ba1] /Aruba, variant of 阿魯巴|阿鲁巴/
+ 阿盧巴 阿卢巴 [A1 lu2 ba1] /Aruba, variant of 阿魯巴|阿鲁巴[A1 lu3 ba1]/
- 馬爾谷 马尔谷 [Ma3 er3 gu3] /Mark/St Mark the evangelist/less common variant of 馬克|马克 preferred by the Catholic church/
+ 馬爾谷 马尔谷 [Ma3 er3 gu3] /Mark/St Mark the evangelist/less common variant of 馬克|马克[Ma3 ke4] preferred by the Catholic church/
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