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Change log entry 55384
Processed by: richwarm (2015-01-01 03:10:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 53188 - submitted by 'sawcordwell' >>
Make consistent with other definitions for other classifiers. c.f. 把

Editor: Comments inline.
# - 服 服 [fu4] /dose (measure word for medicine)/
# + 服 服 [fu4] /classifier for medicine: dose/
# That would be inconsistent with other entries, such as 炷 [zhu4] /.../measure word for lit incense sticks/
# The current wording seems OK to me.
- 種 种 [zhong3] /seed/species/kind/type/classifier: type, kind, sort/
+ 種 种 [zhong3] /seed/species/kind/type/classifier for types, kinds, sorts/
- 期 期 [qi1] /a period of time/phase/stage/(used for issue of a periodical, courses of study)/time/term/period/to hope/Taiwan pr. [qi2]/
# + 期 期 [qi1] /a period of time/phase/stage/classifier for issue of a periodical, courses of study/time/term/period/to hope/Taiwan pr. [qi2]/
+ 期 期 [qi1] /a period of time/phase/stage/classifier for issues of a periodical, courses of study/time/term/period/to hope/Taiwan pr. [qi2]/
# - 對 对 [dui4] /right/correct/couple/pair/towards/at/for/to face/opposite/to treat (sb a certain way)/to match together/to adjust/to fit/to suit/to answer/to reply/classifier for pairs of objects: couple/
# + 對 对 [dui4] /right/correct/couple/pair/towards/at/for/to face/opposite/to treat (sb a certain way)/to match together/to adjust/to fit/to suit/to answer/to reply/classifier: couple/
# I prefer the current wording.
By MDBG 2024
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