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Change log entry 55383
Processed by: richwarm (2014-12-31 13:30:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46604 - submitted by '15113278' >>
"一夕數驚" in this case is used to describe the terror the family felt in one night by the interrogative methods their enemies were using to terrorize them.

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Editor: In actual usage it doesn't seem to be about "one night", even though that's the literal meaning.
# 一夕數驚 一夕数惊 [yi1 xi1 shu4 jing1] /To have many scares in one night/
+ 一夕數驚 一夕数惊 [yi1 xi1 shu4 jing1] /one scare after another (idiom)/in a constant state of tension/
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