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Change log entry 55178
Processed by: richwarm (2014-11-25 20:44:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52930 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
sexual harassment is 性騷擾. Sexual harassment can cover many things, but 性侵犯 is physical assault.
I am a bit pissed off when I read in news that that big mouth, always ranting about the greatness of China and the meanness of interfering evil West, of a Beida Professor, namely 余万里, harassed that student. He raped her.

Editor: J ~ He pleads guilty to assault occasion actual bodily harm .

Wp ~ 性侵犯...可包括強制性交...
- 性侵犯 性侵犯 [xing4 qin1 fan4] /to violate sexually/to harass sexually/to molest/
+ 性侵犯 性侵犯 [xing4 qin1 fan4] /to assault sexually/to molest/
- 侵犯 侵犯 [qin1 fan4] /to infringe on/to encroach on/to violate/
+ 侵犯 侵犯 [qin1 fan4] /to infringe on/to encroach on/to violate/to assault/
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