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Change log entry 55117
Processed by: richwarm (2014-11-21 06:35:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52609 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
This topic is most often refered to as simply "Legalism" in English. This dicitionary is designed as a Chinese to English dictionary but look-ups in the other direction should be made to work when practical. Also why not have a translation representing the most common form.

Editor: You haven't convinced me that 法家 means Legalism.
I don't think it means Legalism in the sentence 名家鄧析也曾被列入法家.
Certainly, other dictionaries prefer to define 法家 as a school rather than its ideology:
- Key: the Legalist school of thought
- New Century: Legalist school; Legalists
- ABC: Legalists
- New Age: Legalists; Legalist school

Similarly, ABC defines 儒家 as "Confucian school" and 儒教 as Confucianism.
# - 法家 法家 [Fa3 jia1] /Legalist School of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) founded by Han Fei 韓非|韩非[Han2 Fei1] and Li Si 李斯[Li3 Si1], later adopted by Shang Yang 商鞅[Shang1 Yang1] whose reforms helped establish the supremacy of the Qin Dynasty 秦代[Qin1 dai4] (221-207 BC)/
# + 法家 法家 [Fa3 jia1] /Legalism/Legalist School of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) founded by Han Fei 韓非|韩非[Han2 Fei1] and Li Si 李斯[Li3 Si1], later adopted by Shang Yang 商鞅[Shang1 Yang1] whose reforms helped establish the supremacy of the Qin Dynasty 秦代[Qin1 dai4] (221-207 BC)/
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