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Change log entry 55056
Processed by: richwarm (2014-11-07 02:37:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52422 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Dictionaries say "post and rank". I'm not sure what that means. It seems it may be relevant in a military context.
But most of the time, 職銜 simply means "title" or "position within an organization", as far as I can see.

M ~ 職位的頭銜。
L ~ 例 「他的職銜是部長」、「她在公司的職銜是編輯」。

[recommends that to preserve evidence, those who attend negotiations] exchange name cards with their counterparts and be very clear about what company the people they are speaking to are with and their positions within that company.

On their name-cards, Chinese-Filipinos often list the official titles they hold at seven or eight different societies.

Low level management, despite keeping their titles and pay bonuses, are still unhappy about losing their power to tell other people what to do.
+ 職銜 职衔 [zhi2 xian2] /title (position within an organization)/
By MDBG 2024
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