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Change log entry 55055
Processed by: richwarm (2014-11-06 23:59:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49644 - submitted by 'bubbha' >>
It's a rather common word in Chinese, but the multi-word English definitions presented are quite clunky. "Rapport" is a much more elegant term in English, with essentially the same meaning as 默契.


Editor: I agree that the present definition isn't very good.
- "secret agreement" makes it sound like an explicit agreement that is being kept from others, a conspiracy.
- "implicit recognition" is clunky and obscure. (What does it mean, actually?)
- "understand tacitly" suggests that 默契 could be used as a dynamic verb. In fact, it's only used statively, as far as I can see.

I looked at lots of examples of usage. I agree that "rapport" is good in certain contexts, but other glosses are necessary because "rapport" often doesn't work very well.
E.g. 台灣報業似乎有個不成文的默契,新聞同業往往基於不願助長「他報」威風,能不寫就不寫。
Also, the expression 非常默契 shows that 默契 is an adjective as well as a noun.
- 我俩配合非常默契
- 在教学中,如果教师与学生都非常投入,互相配合,并且非常默契,则教学效果肯定是很好的。

Here are a few more of the examples I looked at:
1) 後來女兒想起小時候和母親有一個默契,手抓手,在手心握3下表示:「I love you」,握兩下是「Me too」,握4下是「I love you too」。
2) 演員之間默契很重要
3) 「有默契的我們雖然有莫名的熟悉感覺,然而一年後,只能套用流行歌詞『你怎麼可以來去如此從容』來形容」
4) 4個鐘頭內6個人,彷彿默契良好的樂團,一氣呵成地演出一首由1900人共享的午餐交響樂。
5) 進而培養出良好的工作默契
6) 『親子同室』等措施的精神,就是反其道而行,讓孩子從出生後就待在母親身旁,一起培養默契、學習哺餵的技巧。
7) 拥抱过就有了默契,你就会爱上这里。After a big hug, you'll feel close with us. And surely you will love this place.
8) 甲: 哦,陆大夫,我发现我最近好像有了一些变化。
乙: 嗯?
甲: 就是...和您在一起工作的时候,感觉那么幸福。
乙: 啊,是吗?
甲: 我看到花儿是那么美,鸟儿是那么清脆。
乙: 这跟我有关系吗?
甲: 其实...我的意思是...最近很有默契。
- 默契 默契 [mo4 qi4] /to understand tacitly/secret agreement/implicit recognition/
# + 默契 默契 [mo4 qi4] /to understand tacitly/secret agreement/implicit recognition/rapport/
+ 默契 默契 [mo4 qi4] /tacit understanding/mutual understanding/rapport/connected at a deep level with each other/(of team members) well coordinated/tight/
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