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Change log entry 54859
Processed by: richwarm (2014-10-09 00:18:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39449 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
杏花村 is probably famous among *all* Chinese, not just poets, as it appears in a very famous poem.

清明 - 杜牧

The 杏花村 in Shaanxi is probably better characterized as a town rather than a village, and it is indeed
well-known for its wine, but not just among poets. I don't know whether these two 杏花村s are the same

Wp @ 杏花村鎮 ~
杏花村鎮是山西省汾陽市下轄的一個鎮,鎮下轄20個村 ... 「汾酒之都」杏花村位於該鎮杏花村西堡村,

So there is indeed a place called 杏花村 in Shaanxi (as well as in numerous other provinces -- Baidu
lists 13) and it does produce wine (汾酒). However, I think it's misleading to say 杏花村 is "a village
famous among poets for its wine" -- that sounds as if poets like to go there for a drink! Rather, 杏花村
seems to me to be a literary reference to the poem mentioned in Z (Du Mu's "Qingming", quoted
above), which could invoke the following senses (to mention a few):

- asking for directions (see TP example below)
- rustic springtime scenery (that's ABC's definition for 杏花村) -- & M~ 詞章中描寫春景時的常用詞
- a place that sells wine -- Z ~ 后因以“杏花村”泛指卖酒处
- a place which is planted with many apricot trees -- M ~ 種有很多杏花的村莊

TP ~ 「傳統中醫醫院在哪裡?」假日的科茨汀市,街道行人冷清,隨便抓一個經過的小朋友問路,小女
- 杏花村 杏花村 [xing4 hua1 cun1] /village in Shaanxi province, famous among poets for its wine/
+ 杏花村 杏花村 [xing4 hua1 cun1] /village of blossoming apricot trees where one can find a wineshop (reference to the famous poem 清明 by 杜牧[Du4 Mu4])/
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